Manihsinath Bhawan
A/2/95 Rajouri Garden
New Delhi. 110 027.
Website: confederationhq.
Dated: 11th December, 2012
About a million Central Government employees will take part in the one day token strike tomorrow, the 12th December, 2012. The
employees organisations in the Postal, Income-tax, Audit and Accounts,
Printing and Stationery, Geological Survey of India, Survey of India,
Customs, Central Excise, Indian Bureau of Mines,
CGHS, Ground Water Board, Central Water Commission, Central Public
Works, Census, Atomic Energy Commission, Defence Accounts, Indian Space
Research Organisation, Andaman Nicobar and Pondicherry Administration,
Medical Stores depot and many other Public Utility Departments of the
Government of India have confirmed their participation in the strike
action. The strike is organised by the apex
level Confederation of Central Govt. employees and workers, New Delhi
on the basis of the strike notice served on 19.11.2012 for a settlement
of the 15 Point charter of demands (copy enclosed)
Central Government employees throughout the country are agitated over
the Government's fresh move to enact the PFRDA Bill in this session of
the Parliament. It is surprising that even after
the uncontested findings of the Committee set up by the Government
that the new Contributory Pension Scheme will only increase financial
outflow for the Government and the beneficiaries also stand to lose
heavily on account of it, the Government has chosen to go ahead with
the New Scheme. The recent decision of the
Government to allow FDI in pension sector will only further help the
transnational corporation to access to the hard earned savings of the
Indian Common people to maximise their profit.
Apart from scrapping the New Pension scheme, the employees are demanding the setting up of the 7th
Central Pay Commission for wage revision, reintroduction of the
Universal Public Distribution system stoppage of outsourcing of
Governmental functions, contractorisation, privatisation etc.
regularisation of Grameen Dak Sewaks, contingent, casual and daily
rated workers, lifting the ban on creation of posts, filling up the
vacant posts revival of the negotiating forum, JCM etc.
to the breakdown of the negotiating machinery, there had been no
dialogue between the Government and the employees for the past several
years. The employees are extremely critical of the attitude of the Government using the
sovereignty of the Parliament to reject the award given in favour of
the workers by the Board of Arbitration which is not only contrary to
the terms of arbitration but unethical too. The
continuing vindictive attitude of the C& AG administration against
the employees and union functionaries for normal and peaceful trade
union activities is highly deplorable.
If the Government refuses to take note of the resentment and initiate steps to bring about settlement, the agitation is bound to escalate in the form of indefinite strike action encompassing even other section of the employees.
K.K.N. Kutty
Secretary General.