Sunday, December 16, 2012

Statement made by Com. Basudeb Acharya in Lok Sabha on 12.12.12


SHRI BASU DEB ACHARIA (BANKURA): Chairman, Sir today, about one million of Central Government employees are on strike.....(interruptions) The employees' organisations in Postal, Income tax, Audit, Accounts, Printing and Stationery, Geological Survey of India, Customs, Central Excise, Indian Bureau of Mines, CGHS, Ground Water Board, Central Water Commission, Central Public Works, Census, Defence Accounts, Indian Space Research Organisation, Andaman Nicobar and Pondicherry Administrations and Medical Stores Depot are on strike..............(interruption)

Their demand is the constitution of Seventh Pay Commission....(Interruptions) It is due from Ist January, 2011 but the Government of India has not yet constituted the Seventh Pay Commission to consider the revision of Pay and allowances to the Central Government employees. They are agitating....(Interruptions) After acceptance of the Sixth Pay Commission recommendations, there are several anomalies in their pay scales. A Committee was constituted but that committee has failed to address the problem of anomalies in regard to their pay scales.........(interruptions)

Mr. Chairman. Hon. Members, Please go back to your seats. Other Hon. Members are raising their issues. ...(.Interruptions.)

Mr.Chairman: Hon. Members, I will call your leader. Please take your seats...........(Interruptions)

SHRI BASUDEB ACHARIA (BANKURA). Sir, there is a joint consultative machinery to address the problem of Central Government employees but this JCM has become non functional...........(Interruptions) Their meetings are not being held. As a result of that, the problems of Central Government employees are not being resolved. .............(Interruptions)

Mr. Chairman. Shri P.K. Biju is associating with the matter raised by Shri Basu Deb Acharia.
