1st Floor, North
Avenue Post Office Building, New Delhi - 110001
Dated - 29.08.2013
Dear Comrades,
The western Zone Study Camp of
NFPE conducted on 25th & 26th August 2013 at Pushkar
(Rajasthan) was a great success. About 220 delegates from Himachal Pradesh,
Haryana, Punjab, Delhi, Rajasthan and Jammu & Kashmir attended the camp.
Some delegates from Gujarat also attended. (Detailed report placed in the
Northern Zone Study Camp will be
conducted at Ghaziabad (Uttar Pradesh) on 21st & 22nd
September 2013. Delegates from Uttar Pradesh & Uttarakhand will attend the
camp (For detailed circular see website).
Federal Secretariat of NFPE met
at Pushkar (Rajasthan) on 26.08.2013. The Secretariat took the following
important decisions.
Campaign programmes: - The Federal
secretariat decided that NFPE should play a leading role in implementing the
campaign programmes of Confederation. Relay Mass Dharna (September 2nd
to 7th), state and District level convention and the strike ballot
(September 25, 26, 27) should be made a grand success.
(ii) Federal
Secretariat decided to organise the strike ballot in a most effective manner.
Intensive campaign should be undertaken at Branch/Divisional/Circle level. The
model appeal and ballot is enclosed with the confederation circular. All
employees including GDS may be contacted and requested to participate in the
strike ballot (Full details available in the Confederation circular)
(iii) Confederation All India Trade Union
Education Camp – Mumbai 2013 November 15th & 16th
The following number of delegates should be participated
from each affiliated unions. P3 – 30, P4 – 25, R3 – 10, R4 – 10, Postal
Accounts – 5, Admn Union – 5, SBCO – 3, AIPEU-GDS(NFPE) - 5, Casual Labour – 2,
Total – 95.
All India Women’s Convention: 2013 November 25, 26 – New Delhi
The following number of delegates will be
participated in the Women’s Convention P3 – 25, P4 – 10, R3-10, R4-5, Postal
Accounts – 5, Admn – 2 SBCO – 2, AIPEU-GDS (NFPE) – 5, Casual Labour – 1, Total
– 65.
Diamond Jubillee celebrations of NFPE &
109th year of Postal Trade Union movement
As decided in
the Hyderabad Federal Council, the Federal Secretariat decided to commence the
celebrations of the Diamond Jubilee of NFPE and 109th year of the
Postal Trade Union movement on 24th November 2013. The one year long
celebrations shall end on 24th November 2014. On 24th
November 2013, the inaugural ceremony of the celebrations will be held at New
Delhi. Further details will be decided later.
AIPEU-GDS (NFPE) Parliament march on 11th December 2013
AIPEU-GDS (NFPE) has decided to
conduct a massive Parliament March on 11th December 2013. All
affiliated Unions of NFPE are requested to extend full support and
participation to make the GDS Parliament March a grand success.
The AIC and CWCs of the following unions will be held on the dates and
places noted against each
AIC of R4 Union – 2013 8th, 9th
and 10th November at Pune (Maharashtra)
CWC of AIPAEA – 2013 October 28, 29, 30 at
Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh)
CWC of Admn Union on 2013 September 23 and 24 at
Ranchi (Jharkhand)
CWC of P3 Union will be held at Guwahati (Assam)
on 2013 December 14 and 15
AIC of P4 Union – AIC of P4 Union will be held
at Cuttuck (Orissa) on 2013 December 29th, 30th & 31st.
CWC of AIPEU-GDS (NFPE) will be held at Kolkata
(West Bengal) on 26th October 2013.
CWC of R3 Union will be held at Puri (Orissa) on
8th & 9th December 2013.
The Federal Secretariat has
decided to explore the possibility of organizing five or Six All India Vehicle
Campagin Jathas of NFPE from different part of the country, each Jatha covering
3 or 4 states, before 2014 January. All Circle Secretaries/Divisional Secretaries
are requested to intimate their opinion about organizing All India Jathas
against the policies of the Government of India. Each Jatha is to be given grand reception at
all important cities. Final decision will be taken by the next Federal Secretariat
after reviewing the feedback received from Circles/Divisions.
Fraternally yours,
(M. Krishnan)
Secretary General