Com. M.S. Raja Working President Confederation and Secretary General All India Audit and Accounts Association |
21st ,22nd SEPTEMBER2013,Ghaziabad(UP)
NFPE North Zone Study Camp was held at Ghaziabad from 21st
Sept. to 22nd Sept. 2013 at Aapka Bhawan ,Kavi nagar , Ghaziabad
programme commenced with flag hoisting by Com. I.S. Dabas Dy. S/G , NFPE &
G/S P-IV union and after that froral tribute was paid to the martyrs .Before
start of inaugural session all leaders and guests were honoured by the Reception
Committee, Ghaziabad by garlanding and presenting files and mementos. The
Inaugural session was presided over by Com. T.P. Mishra, Ex. President P-III UP
and Advisor of NFPE unions UP Circle. The camp was inaugurated by Com. S.K.
Vyas Advisor Confederation and he also took Ist Class on the Subject
”National situation and role of working class “and in addition to this he also
described the role of Confederation. NFPTE & NFPE in achieving the demands
of Central Government employees starting from the IInd Pay Commission to 6th
Pay Commission. Coms. M. Krishnan, S/G NFPE, K. Ragavendran Ex. S/G NFPE,
Giriraj Singh , President NFPE & G/S R-III, I.S. Dabas Dy. S/G NFPE and G/S
P-IV , Virendra Tiwari, G/S SBCO Association , S.B. Yadav offg. G/S Postal
Accounts Association, P. Pandurangarao G/SGDS (NFPE) union, Y. Nagabhushnam,
Working President Casual Labourers Federation and Com. R.N. Parashar were present on dias.
A felicitation was given to Com. M.S. Raja Working
President Confederation and Secretary General All India Audit and Accounts
Association and he also delivered a very valuable speech.
Com. K. Ragavendran Ex. Secretary General NFPE took IInd Class
on the subject “Organization and our task”. He made power point presentation on
the subject in a very excellent manner which made all the delegates understand
the subject well.
Class on the subject “Lessons of past and task ahead of trade union movement” was taken by Com. M.
Krishnan Secretary General NFPE and G/S P-III who elaborately described the
role of NFPTE . NFPE and Confederation and its leaders in building the trade
union movement and achievement through sustained struggle. He also emphasized to make broader unity of entire working
class so that the attacks unleashed by
the Govt. of India in the wake of globalization policies could be resisted and genuine and
justified demands of workers can be achieved . This session was presided over
by Com. R.K. Gupta Vice President R-III CHQ and Circle Secretary R-III U.P.
5P.M. a Seminar on “ Future of India Post” was organized .Shri John Samuel ,
Director, Postal Staff College Ghaziabad was the Chief Guest who made very
excellent power point presentation on the subject. As a Guest of Honour , Shri
V.K. Verma, Joint Director Postal Staff College, Shri Umesh Verma, Joint
Director, Postal Staff College , Shri Sanjay Singh , Director Ghaziabad and Shri B.K. Singh ADG Philately Postal
Directorate , New Delhi were present and they delivered very good speeches on
the subject. All The officers were honoured by the Reception Committee by
presenting flower bouquets, Shawls, mementos and files. Vote of thanks was
offered by Com. R.N. Parashar, ASG, NFPE.
22nd September 2013 IVth Class was taken by Com. K.V. Sridharan Ex.
G/S P-III and Leader Staff Side, JCM (Departmental Council) on the subject “Service
Rules and Role of Unionists.” He made
power point presentation in English in a very excellent manner which was
translated in Hindi by Com. R.N. Parashar, ASG NFPE. Com. K.V. Sridharan
replied all the queries and questions raised by the delegates. This session was
presided over by Com. Subhash Mishra Circle Secretary P-III UP.
01PM on 22.09.13 the open session was started. The open session was presided
over by Com. R.N. Parashar, ASG NFPE, and Circle President P-III UP.. The open
session was inaugurated by Com. Giri Raj Singh President, NFPE and G/S R-III.
In this session Coms. P. Suresh, G/S R-IV ,
K.K. Sharma Vice President , NFPE, R. Shivanarayana, President, P-III CHQ , N.
Subramaniam Dy. G/S P-III CHQ , Balwinder Singh Financial Secretay, P-III CHQ
were present. All these leaders were honoured by Reception Committee by garlanding
and presenting mementos and files. They all delivered their speech and guided
the delegates. Besides them, Coms. Virendra Tiwari G/S SBCO Association, S.B. Yadav,
Offg. General Secretary , Postal Accounts Association, Jagdish Prasad Financial
Secretary, R-III CHQ also delivered
their speech . Coms. Vikram Shah Circle Secretary P-IV UP, Narottam Lal
Tripathi C/S R-IV UP, R.S. Sosodiya, Circle President GDS (NFPE) and mostly CWC
members and Divisional Secretaries of all NFPE Unions of UP Circle remained
present in the camp
last Com. R.N. Parashar delivered his presidential speech. He appreciated the
role of Reception Committee, Ghaziabad under able leadership of Com. J.P.
Yadav, Rajendra Sharma, Rajesh Jain, Narendravir, Sachin and Aafat Khan and all
other members of Reception Committee in making very excellent arrangements in
Study Camp. He offered Vote of thanks to all the leaders, guests, delegates and
members of Reception Committee who contributed their best in making the camp a
grand success.