Federal Executive meeting of NFPE was held at NFPE office, 1st Floor North Avenue Post Office Building, New Delhi on 27.09.2012 from 11.00 A.M.
The meeting was presided by Com. S.P. Mukherjee Vice President- NFPE. Com. R.N. Parashar Assistant Secretary General NFPE welcomed all the leaders and guests who came to participate in the Federal Executive Meeting.
Before commencement of the meeting, condolence message was read out by Com. M. Krishan, Secretary General paying homage to those who lost their lives during the period. After that two minutes Mourn was observed in respect of martyrs.
Com. M. Krishnan, Secretary General NFPE, presented a brief report on the activities of NFPE since last Federal Executive Meeting held at Delhi on 21.03.2012.
The Federal Executive meeting was inaugurated by Com. S.K. Vyas President Confederation of Central Govt. Employees and Workers who elaborately discussed the need and justification of all the demands mentioned in the 15 point Charter of Demands issued by confederation for the strike on 12.12.2012. He appealed the NFPE leadership to make the strike a historic success mentioning that the NFPE is the biggest affiliate of Confederation. He also praised the participation and role of NFPE in success of Parliament March on 26th July, 2012.
Com. K. Ragavendran Ex. Secretary General NFPE described the impact of Globalization policies on working class in general and Postal workers in particular and emphasized the need of united struggle to resist the onslaughts unleashed by the Central Government in the wake of Neo Liberal Economic policies.
Com. K.V. Sridharan Ex. General Secretary P-III and Leader, JCM Staff Side mentioned the achievements obtained by NFPE through various struggles. He stated that most of the long pending demands of Postal & RMS Workers have been settled and for remaining demands a memorandum should be submitted to the Deptt.
All General Secretaries viz Coms. Giri Raj Singh (R-III) , Sivanarayana (P-III) , I.S. Dabas (P-4), P. Suresh (R-4), Pranab Bhattacharjee(Admn), T. Satyanarayana(Postal Accounts), S. Appan Raj (SBCO), P. Panduranga Rao (GDS-NFPE) and NFPE office bearers Coms. S. Raghupathy, ASG, Raj Kumar (Financial Secretary), S.P. Mukherjee(Vice President), K.K. Sharma (Vice President) and Com. S.P. Kulkarni, President (SBCO) expressed their views on Secretary General’s report and emphasized to submit memorandum on pending unsettled demands, they also suggested to observe some vegetarian programmes. They all endorsed the call of Confederation for one day strike on 12.12.12 and assured to make all efforts to make the strike a grand success.
All the leaders emphasized for the need of an agitational programme by the All India leadership for the settlement of demands of GDS and Casual, part time and contingent staff.
Com. M. Krishnan Secretary General NFPE summed up the discussion and clarified that most of the major demands related to Postal and RMS employees have been settled during the negotiations on strike charter of demands. Some demands are still pending for which a detailed memorandum will be submitted to Secretary (Posts) and even if these are not settled within stipulated period agitational programme will be launched. For the settlement of demands of GDS, Casual, Part-time and contingent employees, all efforts are being made and agitational programmes will be launched against the Department. He appealed to all to make all efforts for the success of one day strike 12/.12.12 on call of Confederation and two days strike on 20th & 21st, February, 2013 on call of all Central Trade Unions.
Vote of thanks was offered by Com. R.N. Parashar A.S.G. (NFPE).The meeting was concluded by Com. S.P. Mukherjee (President) by giving thanks to all.