Monday, October 29, 2012

.India lags behind world in health and hunger

           It is a shame for the Indian rulers that the country is far behind in removing hunger. As per the World Bank reports, India ranks 65 in a total of 79 countries in terms of hunger measurements.
In case of child nutrition, India is the last but one out of 129 countries, as per the same World bank report. Only one small country, which most of us might not heard even, Timor Leste, is the last.
In the same way, 36% of Indian women of childbearing age are undernourished compared with only 16% in 23 Sub-Saharan countries.
               The India government should hang its head in shame. Even after 65 years of its independence it had not cared the health of its people. The amount for health is being reduced in % every time. The sector, like higher education, is left to the mercy of the private sharks, who mint money in billions and millions by making them business and maximum profits.
               This should change. The Indian Government should be shaken up and made to change its policy and take care of the health of the common people.
