was a meeting organised in Delhi CTO Hall today,15th January 2013, to
pay homage to Comrade Om Prakash Gupta, veteran CGE and P and T Union
leader, who passed awy on 6th Janaury. The meeting was organised under
the auspices of NFTE, whose top leader he was for about 6 decades.
The meeting was presided over by Comrade Islam Ahmed, President of NFTE. Com. C.Singh, SG NFTE welcomed all the participants. Com.V.A.N.Namboodiri, President, BSNLEU and Convener of Joint Forum of BSNL/MTNL Unions/Associations was invited to speak first.
The meeting was presided over by Comrade Islam Ahmed, President of NFTE. Com. C.Singh, SG NFTE welcomed all the participants. Com.V.A.N.Namboodiri, President, BSNLEU and Convener of Joint Forum of BSNL/MTNL Unions/Associations was invited to speak first.
paid flower tributes at the photo of com.O.P.Gupta placed on a table
and initiated the speeches. He paid high tribute to the dedicated and
determined service of Com.O.P.Gupta for the benefit of the Central
Government and Pand T workers. There may be differences and disputes
over his certain actions, but his commitment and sincerity to the cause
was never questioned. He paid respectful homage and expressed his deep
condolence to the family members.
Coms. Prahlad Rai, GS AIBSNLEA,
K.Sebastian, GS SNEA, G.L.Dhar, Secretary, AITUC, P.Abhimanyu, GS
BSNLEU, S.P.Sharma, GS, BSNLWRU, Giriaj Singh, GS R.III (NFPE), Suresh
Kumar, GS BSNLMS, Vasisht, FNTO, R.K.Kohli, GS NFTBE, Hari Singh, BTU
Shri Jain GM(Mtce)and many other leaders paid high tributes and homage
to Com. OPG. A large number of workers and leaders wwere preseent. Salil
Gupta, son and Sapnil, grandson of OPG were present and the latter
addressed also.
At the end of the meeting all the participants stood in silence for two minutes and paid homage to the departed leader.
At the end of the meeting all the participants stood in silence for two minutes and paid homage to the departed leader.