Conf/25/2013 Dated: 20.3.2013.
Dear Comrades,
send herewith a copy of the Notice for the 24th All India Conference of the
Confederation. The same has been placed on the
Website. The Conference is scheduled for 4to 6th May, 2013 at Kolkata.
is statement of account showing the subscriptions dues from the affiliates and
State Committees. The dues have been worked out for the three years i.e.
2010-11, 2011-12 and 2012-13. As per the decision of the last
conference, the dues have been worked out on a clean slate as on
1.4.2010. The State Committees are to pay Rs. 15,000 for the three
years period. They are entitled to depute the State
Secretary as the delegate for the Conference and four other associate
delegates. All the National Council members are ex officio
delegates. Besides, the affiliates are entitled to depute delegates
on the basis of their paid up members. Kindly ensure that the dues
are cleared before 15.4.2013 in order to have the entitled delegates for the
conference. We shall be able to inform the host unit of the number
of delegates only on receipt of the dues from each affiliate and the State
to the holding of Conferences changes in the name and address of the Chief
Executive of the affiliates Associations/Federations and the State Committees
might have taken place. We have tried to correct our mailing list on
the basis of the information available with us in our records. The affiliates
and State Committee may kindly inform us the latest address (including the e
mail id and website address if any) on receipt of this letter so that we may be
able to send the communication.
Yours fraternally
K.K.N. Kutty
Secretary General
affiliates and State Committees.
Encl: Copy of the Notice issued. Please
go through the statement of account of subscription. If there is any
discrepancy, please write to us immediately so that necessary correction can be
carried out.
Dated: 14.3.2013
is hereby given for the 24th National Conference of the Confederation of Central
Government Employees and Workers at Kolkata on 4th, 5th and 6th May, 2013 to discuss the
following agenda.
1. Confirmation of the minutes of the 23rd Conference held at Delhi from
4th to 6th December, 2009.
2. Presentation, discussion and adoption of:
(a) Report for the period 2009-13;
(b) Accounts for the period 2009-13.
3. Amendment to the Constitution, if any ; (proposal from the
delegates must reach the CHQ before 15.4.2013.
4. Presentation, discussion and adoption of Resolution on Policy
and progamme.
5. Consideration and adoption of Resolution on demands (Draft
resolution must reach CHQ by 15.4.2013)
6. Election Of office bearers i.e. Members of the National
7. Appointment of Auditor.
8. Any other matter with the permission of the Chair.
The inaugural session of the 24th National Conference will be
held at 4.00PM at Shramik Mandal Kendra, Kankurgachi, Kolkata 54 on 4th May, 2013. Subject
session will be at Sukanta Mancha, Beliagfhata, Kolkata, on 5th and 6th May, 2013.
The Reception Committee set up by the Host Unit, the
Confederation West Bengal State Committee will intimate the other arrangements
in connection with the Conference. Delegate fee shall be Rs. 500 per
The Composition of the Conference as per the provisions of the
Constitution is as under:-
Art. 9A.
National Conference:
Shall consist of (a) members of the National Secretariat i.e.
the office bearers;(b) National Executive Committee
members;(c) National Council members (d) delegates selected by the
respective affiliate on the basis of their paid up membership as under:-
Upto 250 1
251-500 2
501-1000 3
1001-5000 4
5001-10,000 6
10001-20000 8
20001-50000 12
For every additional members exceeding 50000 one delegate for
every 10000 members subject to a maximum of 20.
Article 9B,9C,9D and Clauses 6 and 7 of Part II of the
Constitution are reproduced for the sake of ready reference.
9B. National Council. The National Council shall
consist of (a) Office bearers (b) National Executive Committee members (c) The
chief executives (General Secretary or Secretary General as the case may be) of
all affiliated Associations/Unions (in the case of NFPE, the Chief executives
of all its affiliated unions/Associations)(d) the Secretaries of all State
9C National executive Committee> The National
Executive shall consist of (a) Office bearers (i.e. members of the National
Secretariat) (b) one member nominated by the affiliated Associations/Federation
having paid up membership of more than three thousand and who are not
represented in the National Sectt. as an office bearer.
9D. National Secretariat shall consist of the elected office
Clause 6 of Part II. Each state Committee shall have five
delegates in the National Conference who shall have the right to participate in
the deliberations and other activities of the National Council but shall not
have the right to vote. The Secretary of each of the State Committee
shall be the delegates to the National Conference and shall also be the member
of the National Council and shall have the right to vote as a
Clause 7. Of part II. Each State Committee of the Confederation
of Central Government employees and workers shall remit Rs. 1000/- p.a to be
eligible for sending the State Secretary as a delegate to the National
Conference. For every additional one thousand rupees remitted per annum
(subject to a maximum of Rs. 5000 per annum) the State Committee shall be eligible
to depute one associate member for every additional one thousand rupees
All members of the National Secretariat, National Executive
Committee and National Council and the affiliates and the State
Committees. ( to be sent by Post)
to Website: