Comrade KG for all with love, affection and reverence in our trade union life had inspired many comrades like me more than even bigger leaders than him! It was because of his straightforwardness, tenacity in trade union Democratic principles, unwavering belief in working class ideology on the face of threat to his life! It was indeed a great step by K.G to leap into postmen strike of 1946 along with Dadaghosh to involve thousands of clerical staff of P&T under British Raj! Incidentally comrade KG was the first ever worker president of NFPTE who was to confront the government's interference to continue to function in that capacity in 1970s! Comrade K.G's wife Parul Bose,a school teacher was also was a great sacrificer for the public cause. She was stabbed in 1972 in her very own class in the School but survived after intensive treatment. Comrade K.G.Bose's golden words "Fight Ideologically; Unite Organisationally; Function Democratically" will continue to inspire and guide us! Long live the memories of Comrade K.G.Bose an unparalleled leader of CG Employees movement! -
“ I want to survive and continue my uncompromising fight against all injustices and in this struggle I am not alone, thousands and thousands of comrades are with me and they are the source of my inspiration” …”We cannot be a party to any proposal which may be considered as surrender of the principled stand by the common workers.”
( K.G.’s letter from London Hospital)